Ashmead Primary School

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Vision and Values

We have three core values:

  • Kindness
  • Integrity
  • Perseverance

These sit behind our school vision:

Though excellent teaching and care children know they are both loveable and capable. 

When teachers and parents discuss education it can feel that there are two 'camps':

- A 'standards' camp where the main focus is on children's academic standards.

- A 'well-being' camp where the main focus is on creativity, expression and children's happiness.

Our vision is that we see both viewpoints as equally important and complementary of - rather than in competition with - each other. We do not want to compromise on either aim. We are passionate about high academic standards as being a strong reader, writer and mathematician is so crucial for other learning and for future opportunities in life. We are equally passionate that all children feel happy and secure no matter what their academic achievement is. And we want all children to benefit from opportunities to express themselves through the arts, e.g. through our annual Take One Picture exhibition and the Shakespeare Schools Festival performance all children give in Year Five.