Ashmead Primary School

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Home Learning

We believe that a carefully balanced home learning programme benefits children because:

It consolidates skills learnt in school and gives opportunities to increase enthusiasm for learning

  • It helps children learn skills of independence and perseverance
  • It helps parents to be directly involved in their child’s learning

The school expects home learning (e.g. reading, maths and spelling practice) to happen and children are strongly encouraged to complete it to support their learning.

Home learning is most effective when time is set aside every day and the space used is as quiet as possible. We have found that children who are helped with their home learning, particularly their reading, make much better progress.

At Ashmead, children are praised for doing their home learning. Children do not get consequences for not doing home learning* but we will strongly encourage them to develop these independent study skills and will follow up with the parents of those children who are not completing home learning tasks regularly.

*In Year Six, as part of the process of supporting their transition into secondary school, consequences for not completing home learning (e.g. completing the home learning in their break time) may be introduced to help develop their sense of responsibility and independence.

You can read our full home learning policy, including suggestions of how long to spend on each aspect, can be found here: 

home learning policy.pdf