School Council
School Council is made up of a group of elected children from Y2 – Y6, two children from each class. It is a regular forum for the children to participate in the running of the school and have an input about how we can make the school even better.
School Council’s previous projects have ranged from designing a tree walkway for the playground to enable children to ‘walk through the trees’ (we have over 50 trees on our school site) to an anti idling campaign to raise awareness of car pollution and encourage parents and carers to turn off their engines whilst waiting in their cars. We have also run fundraising projects for local charities like the 999 Club in Deptford and also been instrumental in ensuring that Ashmead Road became a designated ‘School Street’ where traffic is restricted between the hours of 8.30 and 9.30am and 3.00 and 4.00pm so that children can enter and leave the school more safely.
This year the school council are focusing on helping the school fund-raise for the PTA's new climbing frame.