Ashmead Primary School

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Through excellent teaching and
care, children know they are
both loveable and capable.


Welcome to Ashmead Primary School, a two-form entry school in Deptford that we are proud to lead. Our vision for children is: Through excellent teaching and care, children know they are both loveable and capable.

Embedding this vision in every day school life means we value creativity, well-being and every child's uniqueness alongside strong academic achievement. Every day we see calm, focused learning environments where children are absorbed in their work as well as joy-filled playgrounds, full of both active and imaginative play. Children feel happy, safe and secure here; whoever they are, they can be themselves. Our calm approach to behaviour emphasises positive relationships with children, as well as focusing on children's well-being.

Whether you are a potential, new or existing family we look forward to working with you to give your child the very best primary school experience here at Ashmead. This website is full of information and we hold regular open mornings in the autumn term for potential new families to visit too. You can email for more information or ring the school during the school day to book a tour.

Jane Bickley and Sean O' Flynn
