Ashmead Primary School

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School Lunch

School lunches at Ashmead are cooked on site by an outside provider called ‘Chartwells’.

All children from Reception to Year 6 are entitled to a free school lunch and we encourage children to try a meal and eat with their peers.

Should a child have a dietary requirement, for example an allergy to a certain food, then the Chartwells nutritionist will prepare a ‘special diet’ menu. To request a special diet Chartwells require medical evidence about your child’s allergies. Once a diet has been created this is then cooked and served up separately on a red ‘special diet’ tray.

At lunch time children wear a lanyard if they have a special diet or if they have a dietary preference, for example if they are vegetarian or pescatarian.

All children, except those on a special diet menu, make their own choices each day for lunch from the selection available.

Please see below for the current menu.

updated lew pri aw24 final core 3 week ashmead.pdf