Ashmead Primary School

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Equality Statement and Objectives

An important duty for all schools is being able to meet their legal obligations regarding equalities. At Ashmead we want our school to be a safe space for all, a place where everyone is treated fairly and with respect. We aim to make sure that no-one experiences less favourable treatment or discrimination due to age, disability, gender, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy or having recently had a baby, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.

As part of our commitment to equalities we have signed up to Lewisham’s pledge to Embed Race Equality and address Black Caribbean heritage and Black and Minority Ethnic under achievement.

This pledge entails a commitment to:

  • Targeting ambitious outcomes for Black Caribbean heritage and Black and Minority Ethnic pupils.
  • Reducing exclusions of Black Caribbean heritage pupils at all ages.
  • Leaders and governors taking a whole school approach to embedding race equality.
  • Transparent reporting and sharing of borough wide data trends.
  • Working together in new ways and sharing good practice to embed race equality in our school cultures and curriculum.
  • Actively developing high quality relationships with Black Caribbean heritage and Black and Minority Ethnic pupils and their parents. 
  • Improving Black representation in school leadership and governing bodies
  • Lewisham schools holding each other to account. Lewisham Learning and Lewisham Council will internally support and challenge, including reporting annually to the Council, on the progress that is being made across Lewisham.​

Our current equalities policy and objectives, as well as key information about the school, are here:

equalities policy and objectives 2024 27.pdf