Ashmead Primary School

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(full time)

Jane Bickley

DSL, Curriculum strategic lead, Assessment and data, Staff Induction, CPD/cover/timetabling, Books Bingo, Admissions, Extended provision & enrichment, Sports coaching and sports premium, Parents/Families inc. PTA and workshops, Newsletters.


(part time, Monday, Wednesday and Friday)

Sean O’Flynn

DSL, Pedagogical strategic lead, Behaviour strategic lead, Pupil Premium, Health and safety, Student Voice, Attendance, ECT Tutor

Joint responsibilities between Co-headteachers

Parent Events and Meetings, Communication including emails, website etc. Budget, Line management of teachers, Policy making.

AHT and Inclusion lead

David Fielding

DSL, Inclusion, SENCo, Learning Support, Wellbeing/Mental Health lead

Lower School lead

Emma Dodsworth

KS1 and EYFS lead inc. Behaviour,

Literacy and Maths for phase

Upper School lead

Nicole Cox

KS2 lead inc. Behaviour,

Literacy and Maths for phase

Curriculum development

James Jones

Curriculum development lead (foundation subjects) and EVC (Educational Visits Coordinator)


Cypress (Y6) Class teacher and Computing lead

Briallen Williams

Damson (Y6) Class teacher and Upper School lead

Nicole Cox

Aspen (Y5) Class teacher and RE lead

Bridget Ashby

Juniper (Y5) Class teacher 

Stacy Gros-Desirs

Pine (Y4) Class teacher

Bella Kingi

Lime (Y4) Class teacher and PSHE/RSE lead

Jessie Barker

Birch (Y3) Class teacher and Curriculum, History and Geography lead

James Jones

Oak (Y3) Class teacher and PE lead

Sam Humphrys

Elm (Y2) Class teacher and Science lead

Kirsty Calloway-Hallett

Maple (Y2) Class teacher

Sereena Smarth

Holly (Y1) Class teacher and Lower School lead

Emma Dodsworth

Fig (Y1) Class teacher and Music lead

Emily McLachlan

Rowan (YR) Class teacher and Art lead

Catherine Nash

Sycamore (YR) Class teacher

Jenny Jones

Willow (N) Class teacher and DT and Forest School lead

Sophie Halliday

Nursery Nurse

Susie Michael


(Higher Level Teaching Assistants)

Edyta Frymorgen (0.8) (maternity leave)

Joy Valizdeh

Kristee Tiller (covering maternity leave)

Teaching Assistant and midday supervisor team

Irene Okpeki

Jodie Vance

Joyce Ofeibea

Kieran McMahon

Nexhmije Lleshi

Rania Abdalla

Rehana Bibi

Sarah de la Vega

Sarah Domeyer

Sophie Speakman

Sharon Bolton (midday supervisor)

Admin Team

Lou Rhodes (school business manager)

Jennifer Marques-Munoz (senior admin officer)

Maria Gayle-Rogers (finance assistant)

Grace Williams (admin assistant)

Paula Garbowska (admin assistant)

Premises team

Kristina Wallace (premises manager and cleaning supervisor)

Iwona Garbowska (premises assistant)

Adam Doel (ICT consultant)

Ashlie Urquhart (cleaner)

Boguslawa Kalicinska (cleaner)

Sharon Bolton (cleaner)