Applications for a primary school place at Ashmead Primary School are processed centrally by the London Borough of Lewisham Admissions team, following Lewisham’s Determined Admissions Criteria If the school is oversubscribed places will be allocated to:
- Children in care
- Children with a medical or social need
- Siblings of children already in school
- Children who live closest to the school
If you are a Lewisham resident, to apply for a place in reception at Ashmead you need to apply online on the eAdmissions website:, Further information on applying to Lewisham primary schools is available via Lewisham’s website here
Reception class
Children start in reception the September after their fourth birthday. Applications can be made between September and January for a place the following September. If this deadline is missed please contact Lewisham admissions for advice on how to file a late application.
Nursery class
Ashmead Primary School’s Nursery class offers 26 FTE (Full Time Equivalent) places. Some of these are taken as 15 hour places (either a morning or afternoon session) and we also offer 30-hour funded places. Children can start in nursery the term after their third birthday, dependent on places available.
Applications for a place in our Nursery can be made directly to the school, by collecting an application form from the Reception desk and returning it directly to the school once completed. Applications can be made at any time prior to the end of March for a place the following September. For details of how to apply for a Nursery place please see our Nursery admissions policy.
Applying for admission to other year groups
Any ‘In-Year’ applications should be made directly to Lewisham Admission and Appeals Team on 020 8314 8282 or by email If you are applying from another Lewisham school you will first need to meet with the headteacher of the current school to discuss your reasons for wanting to move.
Admissions appeals should be made via the local authority: admissions-and-appeals-team
Visits to the school and Open Mornings
In the Autumn term we hold a number of Open Mornings for prospective Reception parents for the following September to come and see the school, hear about our vision and values and ask any questions you might have. These dates are listed on our website. For admissions to different year groups, parents should contact the office to enquire about school tour availability.