Ashmead Primary School

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Free School Meals

Free School Meals (Pupil Premium) 

Applying for Free School Meals or Pupil Premium in Lewisham Borough
Free School Meals (Pupil Premium) is a term for funding that the school can claim if families are eligible to certain benefits.

Our school meals provided by Chartwells are healthy and tasty. Choosing a school lunch for your child/children could help save you up to £460 per year if you take up the offer of free school meals. School meals are freshly prepared every day using high quality ingredients. Chartwells offer meat and vegetarian options every day, and children who have other dietary needs are catered for where a menu is agreed in advance. This can include religious, cultural or allergy and/or intolerance diets.  
You will be eligible for free school meals for your child/children if your joint family income is less than £16,190 per year. 

Details of how to apply are in this document. 

How to Apply 

Please apply for Free School Meals through the Lewisham Council website: 

Free school meals for ALL primary aged children

Did you know, ALL primary aged children in London are entitled to free school meals?  From September 2023, all pupils can have a school meal at no cost to their parent/carer. This is known as The Mayor’s Universal Free School Expansion and is a Mayor of London initiative.

Pupil Premium 

Although children are eligible for a free school meal now, it is important that you still register for free school meals/pupil premium if you are eligible. This is because schools are able to claim a Pupil Premium of up to £1345 per PP child to make sure each school’s budget matches its community’s needs. Families eligible for free school meals or Pupil Premium may also be offered reduced rates for extras such as clubs, educational visits and school journeys. Pupil Premium funding is for all families with a joint family income of less than £16,190 a year. Make sure you apply if you think you are eligible or ask in the school office for help or information.