Ashmead Primary School

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Our curriculum is designed so that children encounter and learn the most powerful knowledge and leave us ready to thrive at secondary school – and beyond.

We arrange this knowledge in a deliberate narrative so that key ideas are revisited and knowledge reinforced and deepened as a result.

We are ambitious for all our children and our curriculum is designed to be challenging as we know that deep learning, remembering and enjoyment are all more likely when children are absorbed in thought-provoking work.

Our curriculum is purposeful and children being able to represent their learning, e.g. through oracy, writing and the arts, is key to this. Children regularly practise, rehearse and learn from feedback to craft beautiful work that shows what they have learnt.

Our curriculum is always contextualised, e.g. through the stories we focus on and the connections we draw children’s attention to, including ensuring children understand where lessons fit into the ‘bigger picture’ of learning.

We use a systematic synthetic phonics scheme and phonetically decodable books by Little Wandle to teach phonics and reading in EYFS and KS1 as well as Daily Supported Reading in Y1 and Y2. In KS2 we use some elements of DSR as a catch-up phonics and/or reading programme as well as a whole class reading approach. 

Anyone who wishes to find out more about the curriculum can contact the co-head teachers, the admin team or individual class teachers or subject leaders. In the first instance please email the admin team (

Below is our curriculum map:

curriculum map.pdf