Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium funding is given to schools so that they can support their disadvantaged pupils and reduce the attainment gap between them and their peers.This funding is in addition to the default funding (largely based on factors such as pupil numbers). It is allocated according to the number of pupils on roll who are eligible for free school meals (FSM) as well as for each pupil who has been "Looked After" (in the care of the local authority) for 6 months or more and for children from families with parents in the Armed Forces. Funding also includes pupils who have been eligible for free school meals within the past 6 years, i.e. if a child was entitled to free school meals in Reception but not from Y1 onwards the school would still receive pupil premium funding for that child.
If you think you are entitled to free school meals please contact the school office or Jane or Sean. This information will be treated as confidential of course.
We use our pupil premium funding, along with all of our financial and human resources, to improve the quality of teaching, to improve attendance, to improve academic performance, to improve behaviour and well-being and actions to help a range of other needs, e.g. enrichment activities.
Please see below our most recent report: