Ashmead Primary School

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About Us

This website aims to give you key information about the school but also a ‘feel’ for our brilliant school community. 

We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website, and that you find any information you are looking for.

Ashmead Primary is a two-form entry primary school in the heart of Lewisham.

We are lucky to have bright and spacious classrooms together with a gorgeous tree-filled playground and our own Forest School on site.

Our vision for children is that through excellent teaching and care they know they are loveable and capable.

Our school is very well-resourced and we will shortly be opening our own library as reading is something we are very passionate about. We are also very keen on the arts and have a classroom dedicated to the teaching of art and design and technology. Our music provision is something we are very proud of and as well as great singing provision each class learns a musical instrument from Y3 to Y6 (in order – recorder, ukulele, guitar, drums).

These are just a few examples of our brilliant curriculum. Do explore our website to find out more about our lovely school.